featured image malaysia instagram users statistics 2022

Malaysia Instagram Users Statistics 2022

malaysia instagram user statistic 2022

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Here in this article, we will show the latest statistic on the numbers of Instagram users in Malaysia for 2022.

For disclaimer, we obtained the numbers from Meta Business Suite. The data shows the approximate numbers of users, as the accurate number of users always fluctuates due to new registrations and deletions of accounts happening on daily basis.

Total Instagram Users in Malaysia in 2022

As of 2022, Malaysia has a total of 15,700,000 Instagram users. Males use 47% of the users at 7,100,000, while females use 53% of the users at 8,300,000.

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 13 to 17 Years Old in 2022

Instagram has a large number of underage users, ranging in age from 13 to 17.

There are 1,500,000 users aged 13 to 17, accounting for 9.55% of all users.

Males account for 48% of consumers (660,500), while females account for 52% (783,900).

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 18 to 24 Years Old in 2022

With 4,700,000 members (17.6% of total users), Malaysia’s young adult population of 18 to 24 years old is the second largest group of Instagram users.

Males account for 2,200,000 users, or 47% of the total, while females accounted for 2,500,000 users or 53%.

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 25 to 34 Years Old in 2022

The first adult category, which includes people aged 25 to 34, accounts for 5,400,000 users, or 34.4% of all users in Malaysia.

With 2,600,000 users, males account for 48% of the group, while females account for 52% of the group with 2,800,000 members.

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 35 to 44 Years Old in 2022

The age group 35 to 44 years old makes up the second adult user category, accounting for 2,500,000, 15.9% of all Instagram users in Malaysia.

Male users account for 44% of this age group’s 1,000,000 users. In comparison, 56% of 1,400,000 females.

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 45 to 54 Years Old in 2022

The third adult age group on Instagram in Malaysia is 45 to 54 years old, accounting for 1,000,000, 6.4% of all users.

Females have much more users in this group than males, consisting of 628,200 users at 62.8%, compared to 400,000 males at 37.1%.

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 55 to 64 Years Old in 2022

There are 426,600 Instagram members in the late adult age bracket, which ranges from 55 to 64 years old and comprises 2.7% of the total users.

The male gender has lower users (162,100, or 38.35% of the group) than the female gender (263,000, or 61.65% of the group).

Instagram Users in Malaysia Age 65 Years Old Above in 2022

Instagram users aged 65 and over make up the smallest age category, with 163,100 users.

The male gender dominates the category, with 81,500 users accounting for 50.3% of the total, compared to 80,500 users accounting for 49.7%.

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